In the Links section I've added a Science Camp for 6th grade girls who may be interested in an engineering camp this summer at The University of St. Thomas. Check it out if you're interested.
5th Graders have been learning about Renewable Energy by constructing Lego wind turbines. Students were able to measure the voltage of a 6 blade turbine and a 3 blade turbine and compare the output of each. They also learned how to problem solve along the way to build a safe and efficient turbine.
6th Graders have completed their Egg Car construction and testing. This year 8 out of 19 designs successfully protected an egg during the crash portion of the project. This was a great project to help understand Newton's Laws of Motion and calculating speed, velocity, and momentum.
Remember Conferences are on February 26, 28 and March 5.
Below is information about and event for 5th and 6th grade students on Thursday, March 7.
Sixth graders will be showcasing some to the E-STEM projects they have worked on this year and both 5th and 6th graders and compete in the Veggie Car Challenge.
Veggie Car
Mark Your
March 7th,
Test Your Car
Anytime Between 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Awards at 7:15 p.m.
This year’s magnet challenge for 3rd,
4th, 5th & 6th graders is to make a
car out of
fruits and/or vegetables and have it roll down a ramp. Your goal is to make your car
roll the FURTHEST. Awards will be given for the top three
distances per grade level, the overall distance winner and for creativity.
This contest will give you and your
child a chance to practice some scientific principles and creative thinking
skills while spending time together.
This project is one of experimentation, trial and error, and
revision. It’s also a lot of fun!
1. Cars will be made of at least two
different fruits or vegetables. The
fruits and vegetables may be modified in shape and design.
2. The car must travel on four wheels
made out of fruits or vegetables.
3. Two regular wood bamboo skewers and
four toothpicks may be used to help put the car together. No other materials may be used.
For competition, the car will be
placed on a ramp that has the following dimensions: 16
inches wide, 8 feet
long, and 30 inches high at the top. The
car must stay on the ramp,
all the way down, to be counted as a measured
distance. The distance will be measured
from the lower end of the ramp to the back of the vehicle. The car will be run down the
ramp 3 times,
with the longest distance recorded as the final distance.
The “Veggie Cars” are to be completed
at home and brought to Heritage E-STEM
Magnet School to race at the E-STEM
Family Night hosted by 6th Grade Heritage
Students on March 7th!
It is acceptable to keep your veggie car
cold in a small cooler
until your child’s turn to compete on the final night. Only one car may be entered into
competition per student. Experiment
early and often, but only submit the best performer. Be aware that the performance of your car may
vary over time.
Good luck!