Spring is on it's way!
March is a crazy time of year! The weather outside changes fromm 9 inches of snow one weekend to over 1/2 inch of rain the the next. Also, I hope you turned your clocks ahead one hour this past weekend.
Thank You to the parents and students who attended the E-STEM Family Night on Thursday (3/7/13). It was a great event. A special thanks goes to the students and parents who volunteered their time to work at a booth during the showcase.
Also just a note/reminder to all 5th and 6th graders... "I will be on the Eagle Bluff Field trip with the 5th grade, next Monday 3/18 through Wednesday 3/20. My classes will be covered by the other Blue House Teachers. 5th graders who are not going on the trip will combine as one class and participate in activities at school.
5th graders....
5th grade students are currently studying Landforms. We have been observing stream tables and discussing how water has shaped the earth. (Very appropriate for what is going on outside this time of year with all of the snow melting. The Eagle Bluff trip will also give students a unique perspective of what is happening in their stream tables as the Learning Center is right in the middle of bluff country.
On Thursday 3/14 you will be going to Dodge Nature Center with Mrs. Olson to collect your monthly data and complete an activity called "Tour of Flags." More information will be provided this week.
Remember the EAGLE BLUFF Field trip is Monday, March 18 through Wednesday, March 20.
Be sure to get things in order this week so Monday morning isn't a scramble to find something you need to bring.
6th Graders....
6th grade students are currently working on understanding Mechanical Advantage and Mechanical Efficiency. We are using Lego Kits to build machines that help us calculate advantage and efficiency. Students are building a "boat pulley" and some are also making a hydro-turbine to convert moving water from the faucet into electricity.
Spring Break begins on Friday, March 22.