The sixth graders have been studying the Laws of Motion and I have shared some videos of how Newton's Laws of Motion are applied in football. You can view these videos by clicking on the NBC Learn link.
Parent teacher conferences will be at the end of the month. I will again conference with parents of 5th graders in my 1st hour class, and a parents of a few 6th grades who have already been contacted by email. They can sign up for conference times online by going to the 5/6 blue house web-site and clicking on, Conference Schedule Sign-Up, which is under my picture. To get to Heritage's web-site go to:
- under Schools select Heritage
- on the Heritage page click on Academics
- Select 5/6 Blue
This week 5th graders will travel to Dodge Nature Center on Thursday, February 7. This is the make up date for the trip that was post-poned last week due to cold weather.
6th graders will begin their Egg Car Project. This is the final project for The Laws of Motion and Momentum unit.
The annual Pennies for Patients drive is this week. Students are encouraged to bring in any $$$ they are willing to donate to the fight to cure cancer.