Students should check the tabs above for vocabulary of current topics being discussed in science.
Dodge Nature Center.......WEDNESDAY!
On Wednesday, December 14, both 5th and 6th grade will be heading to Dodge Nature Center for lessons. 5th grade will go to their tree study areas and collect their monthly temperature data and collect a specific volume of snow. We will let this snow melt in the classroom to see how much water is in that amount of snow.
6th graders will be going to Dodge for an energy unit. Dodge has a solar panel and a new windmill that generates electricity. Students will be learning about these clean, renewable energy options.
Early weather forecasts predict fairy mild weather for our trip, please be sure students are dressed to be outside for up to 90 minutes.
Also on Wednesday, all students will be taking the Science MAP test. This test is a lot like the MAP tests students take in Reading and Math.