Remember there is no school this week on Thursday and Friday. (Education Minnesota Convention)
Our Monarch butterfly has emerged from it's crysalis on Friday. Watch it happen on my Teacher's Domain site. I created a video folder under My Groups ... 5/6 Science Tab.
On Tuesday both 5th and 6th graders will have guest speakers.
The fifth graders will be visited by Pam from the Dodge Nature Center. She will be bringing back the turtles the students observed two weeks ago. Students will have to look back at their observation list to try and find the turtle they observed on October 4.
The sixth graders will be visited by scientist from Ecolab. They will be conducting activities on acids and bases. The Ecolab scientists will be visiting our 6th grade classrooms 4 times this school year leading the students in scientific investigations.
Tuesday is also the last night of scheduled conferences. If you were not able to meet with your child's homeroom teacher during your scheduled conference time, please contact them to find a time to meet.
Also if you want to talk with any of your child's teachers, please contact them to set up a time to meet, or speak by phone or email.